-Lost in the woods-
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-They all amuse me so-
My Pics
01/01/2002 - 02/01/2002
02/01/2002 - 03/01/2002
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Thursday, November 25
Just so hard not to laugh, even though the people in the lab are looking at me like I'm crazy, and one girl got up and left.
I'm procrastinating once again, so I was reading Moira's words of wisdom. It's always good for a laugh, but you may want to wait until you're not in a room with a bunch of people pretending to do serious work on their computers. They may not understand why you're wiping tears from your eyes and shaking because you're trying so hard to be quiet.
posted by
T~ @
11/25/2004 11:41:00 a.m. ]
Thursday, November 18
Long time no post. How did I get so busy? When I'm not working or at class all I want to do is sleep. Social life? What's that? At least I've got awesome roomies, actually coming into contact with other people and knowing how busy they are keeps me somewhat comforted.
Ontario was fun. Wonderful place to visit, got to see my relatives, as usual, they spoil me rotten. Awful water though. Makes you want to take an extra shower, but then you feel no cleaner. The shopping is really great though. I spent forever in old Navy. So one of my favorite clothing stores.
But now I have a million school things that are due. Well, more like a dozen, but I feel like I'm still not going to get much of it done. Why does everything have to be due at the end of term. Don't they realize that people leave all loose ends until then? Sure sure, organized people delegate their work load. I'm not organized. I guess I'm just doomed to fail.
And barwars is next weekend. I want to go, but there's no chance in hell unless we can get some really good oldschool people back in the saddle. Let me or Pam know if you want to go. We may let you accompany us.
posted by
T~ @
11/18/2004 11:39:00 a.m. ]
Sunday, November 7
Lookin for trouble

posted by
T~ @
11/07/2004 10:59:00 a.m. ]