Monday, February 28
Yay for Formosa! Yes it's true my friends, if you haven't already heard, Formosa Tea House is once again open, and from what I heard, the family that run it had a lovely trip back home to visit their extended family. Very nice treat altogether to drive past and see the open sign back in the window and be able to go in and share a few yummy snacks with that special someone, even if they're not entirely convinced on the sushi front. Some things are worth sharing.
posted by
T~ @
2/28/2005 08:14:00 p.m. ]
Sunday, February 27
Alcohol, fostering better work relations ships since forever.
Had a great time last night at a staff party thrown by our illustrious Chief of Front Desk, Janelle. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, and good spirits were drank in large quantities. Those spirits were probably what inspired the wild dancing at myrons. Anyway, lots of fun was had, and I'm sure there will be lots of stories shared at work this week!
posted by
T~ @
2/27/2005 07:54:00 p.m. ]
Tuesday, February 22
Apparently there's a war. And from what I've been told, it's been going for months and it's not going well. I thought to have a war you had to have sides that were looking to beat down one another, or at least knew they were actually fighting. I wish I'd known that a war was what was going on, I'm sure peace negotiations would have broken out, and both sides would be far happier for it.
posted by
T~ @
2/22/2005 09:18:00 a.m. ]
Went to the movies tonight. Saw Finding Neverland. I can honestly say it's one of the best movies I've seen in a really long time. I thoroughly recommend it. I would also advise you to take some sort of kleenex with you, and I'm sure the three ladies who sat in front of us would agree.
Thank you boys, for looking after me, I really appreciate it.
Now I must go and stop the intense staring contest between bunny and cat. If not, some calamity will befall us all.
posted by
T~ @
2/22/2005 12:18:00 a.m. ]
Monday, February 21
It's interesting how fast you can lose respect for some people, and how fast you can gain it for others. Even when I try to do something right, I seem destined to either botch it up or have it blow up in my face. I don't know anymore.
posted by
T~ @
2/21/2005 01:38:00 p.m. ]
sweet dark enveloping warm sleep. why do you elude me ?
posted by
T~ @
2/21/2005 02:14:00 a.m. ]
Thursday, February 17

posted by
T~ @
2/17/2005 09:49:00 a.m. ]
Wednesday, February 16
Today's goal:
Smile at people when talking to them. Even the people we don't really like. Make them smile back if it kills you.
posted by
T~ @
2/16/2005 07:55:00 p.m. ]
Wow, things sure do happen fast around here. Blink and you'll miss important things.
Congrats to those who deserve congratsing, you really do deserve it! I wish you all the best and happiness that I can muster. (Which is a bunch)
posted by
T~ @
2/16/2005 02:07:00 a.m. ]
Tuesday, February 8
Good morning sunshine!
It's been a long time since I've made a post that works. But I suppose, Tuesday is another day, just like all the rest, so that's a good time to try again. So, as I'm spending my very early morning, which is normally filled by sleeping like all other normal people, here at work, I do my morning duty of reading the newspaper and drinking my coffee. I know, taxing work that it is, eh?
Anyway, I turn to the health section and see a friendly face from the past, an old high school mate who I hadn't really thought about in ages. Well, maybe that's a lie, I actually did get out the ol'yearbook a few weeks ago when I decided to reminisce about people I went to high school with and laugh at how important we all thought we were, each in our own worlds with our cliques...I digress. Back to the point ~ So I start to read about Becky and how she's dealing and healing with an eating disorder that had pretty much turned her life upside down. It just struck me as odd in a way. Not that she had this issue to deal with in her life, everyone has their own challenges, but the fact that there she was, big picture and long article on about a very personal aspect of her life, just out there for other people to read, judge, hopefully learn from, whatever. I would say that that's a pretty brave thing to do. I certainly couldn't imagine putting my secrets, even one's I've dealt with, out there for all of the Island to read, even if I thought it could help other people deal with their problems.
Anyway, kudos to her, putting yourself out there and being exposed to the criticism and judgment of others is a hard thing to do.
posted by
T~ @
2/08/2005 07:45:00 a.m. ]