-Lost in the woods-
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-They all amuse me so-
My Pics
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Monday, March 25
Goddamn blogger ate my post! Ah well, you didn't miss much, it was all me rambling about to many projects, not enough postage, Kris has her page back up, and it's cool (even if she hasn't returned my call yet), and I saw A.I. the other night. Good movie, but I thought it was extremely sad. Very ironic in parts, but still, I cried at the end. Darn that whole human race thing. Anyway, now I've got to go to class because I don't have time to write anymore, so I'll talk to ya's later! And yeah, I promise better content in the future.
posted by
T~ @
3/25/2002 11:01:00 a.m. ]
Wednesday, March 20
That Shady Anthro
Well, so what if you don't have to go to class or read the book to get a 90. But that doesn't mean that he should throw in a couple of zingers that people don't recognize just to bring the class average down. Tricky fellow that Leclair. Tricky Tricky.
I see you Rob!
It's kind of freaky to be reading someone's blogs from like 2 hours away and then be able to see them at the same time. But Robs so cute it just doesn't matter. FlyingCat!
Gotta go, I've been in this computer lab far to long. Later Alligators!
posted by
T~ @
3/20/2002 04:27:00 p.m. ]
Monday, March 18
Allison, you are right!
Poster projects really are the work of the devil. I spent friday afternoon working on one, evening researching another, Saterday working on that one and that carried over to Sunday which will once again carry over to Monday untill it's presented on tuesday. Pain in the Ass! But enough about that, life can only get better because all that work is already done. I'm going to go see Resident Evil tonight so you can be sure that I'll tell everyone about it tommorrow. Colour printers were one of those inventions that were created to make the world a happy place, I really believe that. But when those little suckers break down, my god there is no greater Satan than the one who made the computer printer. Speaking of Satan, I had a rather theogical conversation with niall and brodie the other day (well, brodie just kind of ate his lunch and made noise). The whole taboo about not talking about sex,religion and politics is completely overrated and more people should be open to talking about it, especially in public places where narrow minded people will give you dirty looks just because they don't think you should talk about that around them. Oh crap, now i'm late! Damn Eco!
posted by
T~ @
3/18/2002 11:28:00 a.m. ]
Friday, March 15
So yeah, I know that I'm falling behind with my fantastic and insightful posts, but hey, I'm just one girl, and I have stuff like poster projects that need to be taken care of and tests that need to be studied for and useless assignments to labor over and then find out that you don't really know what you're talking about anyway. What was I talking about...oh never mind.
I went with my mom to see Men with Brooms last night, very funny movie, that paul gross guy is a cutie. I recomend it if you're in the mood for a nice comedy with lots of Canadian making fun of being Canadian in a way that you know Americains will believe, like heards of beavers and such.
Everyone should go outside and take advantage of the sunshine. Do the sunshine dance. I know rob will!
No more snow sun god!!! No more!!
posted by
T~ @
3/15/2002 11:27:00 a.m. ]
Monday, March 11
Nobody's nobody, cause everybody's somebody and if somebody were nobody, then nobody would be anybody at all. I think that If you're feeling down, you should eat a baked potatoe. There are worse things out there for you and this way you can have a yummy snack while still fueling pei's main agricultural income. Except Wendy's, they import their potatoes from the states. Someone behind me in a line told me that once this summer, so I know it's true. I also think people should encourage random acts of conversation. You meet the most interesting people and they almost always know one or more of you parents or relatives. That is all, you may now go about your buissiness.
posted by
T~ @
3/11/2002 11:36:00 p.m. ]
All I can say is wow. Rob, you trully have figured out the universe. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you need to go here and read about how he has discovered the cosmic loophole that will bring him fame and ultimate notoriety across the ages. You sir, are my Hero. I wish I could come up with conspiracy theories that are so unplausable and yet make complete sence. Someday I will, someday.
By the way, does anyone even read these anymore?
posted by
T~ @
3/11/2002 11:07:00 a.m. ]
Sunday, March 10
So how about Hurray?
So today has so far been a pretty good day. Watched some good old startrek and talked to the people. Last night I went out for a bit, saw people that I haven't seen for a while and did some general sitting about. I realized that I should stop being as closed minded about some people as I am. Life is short people, we live on a small island and every one knows every one else and no matter what, people are going to learn everything about you. Some people hate on people more than they should and sometimes for very silly reasons, and some people forgive and forget major transgressions that they really should take as a lesson to be remembered. Well, there's my morals for today.
On a happier note, Swimming lessons and comunity school will be over this week so that means more freetime to do nothingness for me!! Maybe I can get some good adventures in before the school year is over. And yes, that means if you have a crazy adventure waiting to spontaniously erupt, I'm up for it and I've got the car. And yay that my counter is once again working so I don't have to bother tyler about it any more!! Thanks anyway bud.
And I warned you all, I told you not to get the flu, but did you listen to me? Hmmmm?
posted by
T~ @
3/10/2002 07:09:00 p.m. ]
Thursday, March 7
Dude don't get the flu
i had it for two days, and all I can say is you don't want to get it. It hits you in an hour and you're out for like 2 days, imovable for at least one. So started my week meaning no paycheck and missed assignments. I really would like to know how people who never go to class, lab and tutorial or never hand in assignments still manage to do so well and not get kicked out. I missed 2 classes and an assignment and my life nearly fell apart.
No one has come foreward to join the underground revolution yet, so what are you waiting for? I'm not going togive you a written invitation, that way they can't trace us, a fatal flaw in Brodie's grand facade last year. Damn you evil Brockhouse lovers! you can't impinge on our sense of artistic expression.
I know realize that nobody has any clue as to what I'm talking about, so I'll leave now, but don't you worry, I will be back. And sign the guestbook people!!!
posted by
T~ @
3/07/2002 04:13:00 p.m. ]
Sunday, March 3
Rain Rain, Go away, don't come back till the middle of summer when I can drive around or stay inside all day!
Dude, it's just not right that all the snow is gone so early. I was hoping for at least a few more good storms out of the season. Attention Attention: I'm going to start an underground revolution to take down the professors who lie to us. Yep, that's right, we are going to get back at the profs who move test ahead, put things on the tests that they don't teach us or say isn't going to be on the test, assign twice as many assignments as they promis they will, and who take away scandelous quantities of marks for things that they didn't ask for or give an outline to us for. Plans will be made. We will have our revenge! Toodles!
posted by
T~ @
3/03/2002 07:39:00 p.m. ]
Friday, March 1
No more test's till next thursday!
wow, that's a relief. I think I'll go out with Sarah for mexican tommorrow night. Should be cool.
Jeff, dude. I visit your place at least once a week with you not there and read your posts like 2ice a day, so don't you click-bang on me boy!
Don't some people just piss you off when they say how much they miss you and how they're going to call you and talk to you and respond to your emails because they miss your friendship too and then they don't? yeah me too. Grrrrr.
I had a very good night last night, you'd be astounded how much a small piece of vegitation combined with tought can make you feel worth all the diamonds in Jeru. Have a good Friday everyone!!
posted by
T~ @
3/01/2002 10:53:00 a.m. ]