A discussion at lunch got me thinking, and that's never a good thing.
These thought's were not directed at any person in particular, but if you've ever thought about it (and yes most of you have), or anyone you know has, think about these;
· Suicide is kind of a final thing. There's no discussing it later with friends or plans for what you're going to do or wear tomorrow. Total and complete finality.
· Murdering yourself is taking the easy way out of your problems. Everyone has problems and challanges that they must overcome, and yeah, they do make you stronger for it. Everyone has some fight in them no matter what, so why would you cheat yourself out of it?
· If you're religeous at all, you know that your soul is not yours to extinguish. Christian or jewish (those are the only two I looked up, most others are along the same lines), suicide is a criminal act and murder, as well as a mortal sin.
· You may have a specific purpose for your life or not know it, but you were put here to elevate humanity. If nothing else, find purpose in that.(No, I don't think anyone else should become a missionary).
· You're not a terrorist suicide bomber. If you are, you should know that they're going to come after your family and blow up their houses.
· Your family loves you. Even if they bitch and complain and give away your stuff and do their damndest to make your life miserable, they still love you.
· Your friends love you and care about you. Think of all the people you know from school, kindergarden and up. They all remamber you too. Think of all the groups and clubs you've been a part of and the people in them, think of your friends at work, think about all the random people you know and the people who know you through a friend of yours. Yep, you know a lot of people and they know you. Do you really want to cause them all the pain of going through mourning and missing you for your senseless and selfish death?
· No matter how bad your troubles are, there is someone out there who's troubles and suffering are far worse than yours, and they're still sucking it up. (Just think of the woman who married that idiot G.W.Bush.)