-Lost in the woods-
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-They all amuse me so-
My Pics
01/01/2002 - 02/01/2002
02/01/2002 - 03/01/2002
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-Powered By-
Thursday, November 21
Smurfs were the ultimit pick me up.
Some of my friends did something very nice for me today, and while they may not have realized it at the time, their action made my day just a few shades brighter than any other regular old day. Thanks guys, you rock. You've inspired me to be nicer to people in general and do just plain random acts of niceness.
In other bright and sparkely news, tomorrow is Jeff's birthday! Happy B-day buddy, I'll bake a cupcake in your honor and have a beer at the bar for you, so have a great day tomorrow.
posted by
T~ @
11/21/2002 08:04:00 p.m. ]
Wednesday, November 20
I just realized something as I was looking at the counter. Someone reads my page from quebec. who could that person be I asked my self? Well it must be Nancy of course!! So here is my shout out to Nance, who's mother talked to me on Saterday ( I'm not sure she remembered who I was at the time) and confermed that she's coming home sometime around the 13th (which Kris had already told me). So see you in December Nancy, and good luck on your french exams.
posted by
T~ @
11/20/2002 04:56:00 p.m. ]
Tuesday, November 19
Blow it up your ass Linkletter
Well, maybe that's a little harsh, he could have made the test even harder, but he didn't, but he's still a jerk for making this year a million times harder than last year. But at least I'm done and don't have to worry about biochem for a whole....2 days. wow, that's depressing.
Now all I have to do is save the world, explain waste management, do the lab report, disect a brain or two and learn all the functions of the nervous system, how they were derived, and how they are maintained, solve genetics mysteries, lable sliced dna, map the genes and score my flies, oh, yes, and write a 14 page paper on a yet to be determined system of biology. Right. and then on to exams, that's the easy part. We can do it everyone, people have graduated before, I know they have, their pictures are all along the walls, smilling down at us with their infinite wisdom.. Yeah, I think I'll get started on that now.
posted by
T~ @
11/19/2002 04:05:00 p.m. ]
Saturday, November 16
Biochem Tutorial 3:00, genetics lab. you know you want to go. so now you have to.
posted by
T~ @
11/16/2002 09:25:00 p.m. ]
Wednesday, November 13
I have never wanted to quit something so bad in all my life. Right now, no matter how hard I'm trying, I keep failing things and there's no way to keep up with all of it and sleep. I have papers due that are worth a lot that could bring my mark back up to an acceptable level (by no means good) and I just can't get into doing them because off all the little papers and assignments and quizzes and tests and the like. I would happily just stop, but I've already put too much money into it to turn back now. At least I like biology. I just hate that the profs feel the need to bore us to death, test us mercilessly and give us useless time consuming projects that they're going to say are wrong because they aren't the words that dropped from their mouths, all this instead of actually teaching us stuff that's interesting and important, unlike memorizing the amino acids for no reason at all. You may ask, well tamsyn, why so much bitching, and you're sitting on the computer mindlessly typing away, wasting study time, how come? Well, it's because I'm printing off page after page of useless biochem notes that are worth less that the toilet paper some hick redneck is using somewere in the world right now to wipe his rosy red ass cheeks, but I need anyway because I have no idea what's going on in that class.
At least dissecting the cow eye and shark ear whent by rather quickly. Fun fun.
posted by
T~ @
11/13/2002 09:43:00 p.m. ]
Sunday, November 10
I WAS A SWEET CHILD you're parents were lucky with you. you're sweet. innocent. helpful. and cute. what kind of child were you? (brought you by april)
Sorry, just had to laugh at that. I wasn't sweet, I was a tomboy who rode horses bear back and lagued when the horses farted. yeah, that was sweet.
posted by
T~ @
11/10/2002 11:43:00 a.m. ]
Wednesday, November 6
Yay, the world is good. I am happy again!
posted by
T~ @
11/06/2002 01:32:00 a.m. ]
Sunday, November 3
I know I havent posted in a while. But hey,bite me, you day wasn't changed that much just because there were no annoying little pearls of wisdoom here for you to read.
Halloween was interesting, I haven't gone to a bar soely to become frustrated about it for sometime, so I guess I was due for it. It wasn't that bad really, aside from needing to wash a lot of blood up from an intoxicated nursing student, getting to sulk in public, and yell to a coworker because he didn't have the sense to let someone on crutches through a crowd of people anxious to make the door line into a mosh pit.
Things were made a bit more amusing the next day when I learned that "someone" (who shall remain nameless, but will no doubt tell you the story about 8 times) was banned from the student union bar for a year because he couldn't deal with being sent out for the night, and so tried to attack the groin of one of the strongest bouncers at the bar. I do kind of feel bad for him, I hear they really let him have it, but it gave me a chuckle at work, and no bones were broken.
I feel that genetics has become a bit difficult. Not all of it, like Biochem, just the last few days. Not good considering I'm down here on the computer and the midterm is tomorrow, 2nd thing. Best be off then, and remember, Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets opens in 12 days, and I am not a geek. (or a nerd.)
posted by
T~ @
11/03/2002 10:20:00 p.m. ]