So today I kind of had a bad day.
I failed my test. Really failed it. Like, didn't even know what the questions ment type deal. And I did study, since saterday, an nothing stuck in my head. Big problems. I hate that goddamn bastard. I wish he'd move so far away that I never saw him ever again. I really do.
I'm also down to 6 baby fish. I discovered the hard way that they're suicidal. Very. Along the lines of.." Oh, there's a nice big fishy on the other side of my little protective gate thing, I think I'll squish my way through to go make friends with him! I never said that they were bright fishies, just pretty.
Now I have to do my optimum management plan for wildlife. it's the one course I actually care about, and It's not even my best, in fact, it's third on my list. Well, see ya'll later.
At least I got paid! There, that's my good thing. Can I quit now?