Well, I could write some crazy upset post, but know what? I'm really not. I'm actually kind of glad in some fucked up way. All of the lies, finished up with the last thing you promised you wouldn't do. Does it suprize me? Hell no, I learned a long time not to expect anything at all, even when it was promised, because all that was going to happen was that I was going to be let down.
What I really still don't understand, and probably never will, is how you can completely shit on someone who was always there for you and cared about you more than most people in your life will. I see it all the time at the bar, not just in my life. My friends, and you know who you are, I hope that I never turn into a person that treats people that I care for like that. If I do, shoot me, because that's not the kind of person I want to be.
I feel a lot more free than I have in a long time.