Lost in the Woods
I feel like I've been in my own little bubble lately and I haven't seen or talked to anyone (well, a select few). Could be that I haven't really sought anyone out, or could be because I'm a klutz and hurt myself. I'm fine, just a moron. I wish I was as witty as the guy on the comedy channel. I'm not. School seems to be in this weird limbo where nothing is really happening, I'm not really doing all that much, and the marks I'm getting back are consistently... bland. Not bad, but not spectacular either. Is anyone else dealing with this. Oh my God, maybe this is the March blahs that my mom used to tell me about! How do you get rid of the blahs? Vinegar and water or white wine and soda water? I'm sure if I was a domestic Goddess I'd know. I don't think I'll ever get to that stage, but one can always hope to avoid. The roommate situation has improved significantly, I don't mind being home at all, and I think the bunny and I have come to an agreement on where her bathroom is.
How good would you feel if when you did something good that you get a standing ovation? I think I'd be more motivated to do better. I don't get the standing ovations as much these days. I think we should all get them when they're deserved.
And just as an end note, what kind of guy has enough of an ego that he's going to buy himself a Trojan Magnum condom? If I worked at the drug store counter I would have a hard time not laughing at him, and wondering what he thinks he's doing. Especially now that I know the truth, which I was informed of the other day, that the average is really only 5 1/2 inches. Yep that's right ladies, and that comes strait from the intellectual genius of the biology lounge.