No one ever suspects the Spanish Inquisition.
Ah, highschool and Monty python. Fond memories. Any way, speaking of memories. I have this weird thing that's started happening to me again since I've started working backshifts. When I was a little kid, I used to have these kind of (well not really, but it's the closest thing I've got to describe it) nightmares. They weren't really frightening per say, but I'd wake up, have this feeling, and be just about as miserable as if I had had one. I remember being upset with this feeling I had and wanting it to go away because I couldn't sleep, and I'd need to stand up and walk around to help make it go away. I could never seem to explain it to my mother as she would try to comfort me for having a nightmare and get me back to bed. She'd chalk it up to watching a scary movie or being worried about school the next day. It wasn't, it was a really odd disconnected feeling like my mind was going a million miles a minute, then very very slowly, and my body would be the opposite, but eventually it went away, or at least stopped happening that I could remember. Now, since I've started I'm working backshift, it's started happening again. I'll be totally awake, typing away at regular speed, doing tasks & whatnot, and my brain will be going a mile a minute, jumping about like a hyper peakanese in a box. Then it'll kind of switch, and my brain will slow right down while my hands feel like they're moving ahead of my brain. Does anyone else even remotely know what I'm talking about, or am I completely insane? Well, ok, redundant question, but really? I'd be happy if someone would just kind of say; Oh yeah, that's such-and-such. You just get that when you eat to many fresh yellow beans under a harvest moon. Every body knows that. Man, it's only quarter to 2 and I'm totally babbling. This is not a good sign people.