Flying Cat


-Lost in the woods-

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

-They all amuse me so-
My Pics


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Guardian since January 7, 2006! Adopt one today!


   Friday, September 23  

What's with that? Damn pornography!

In an effort to make my backshifts go faster and for me not to end up as a gushy glob of goo come 7:00 in the morning, I burn random movies to watch. I have been trying to get several for sometime, and star wars III just finally finished the other day. Now, I know, you don't always get what you download, but usually it's not too bad. Not this time however. I open it up to take a look and make sure it's the quality merchandise, and get a grand ol' eyeful of some blond nympho polishing some guys nob. Ew. I'm notably disappointed at this, as I was looking forward to some hansom darth vader swashbuckaling. I flip back to the start to see if by some chance it's just something that someone slipped in further into the movie to get a kick out of tricking poor unsuspecting star wars geeks. Nope, it's an intro by some amateur porn director about his one night in Paris. WTF?!? Yep, I downloaded star wars, and ended up with the Paris Hilton Sex tape. DELETE DOWNLOAD. If there were to be any form of porn found on my computer, there's no way in hell it would be of Paris Hilton.

This leads me to another train of thought. This girl has a widely watched (very stupid) show that airs somewhat regularly on tv showcasing how monumentally dumb and self absorbed she and her friend are. Young girls watch this show, and no doubt would love to emulate her. She's in a porn movie. Probably more than one, but that's the only one I've had sprung on me. Well, I guess we can say the same about Pamela Anderson and Tommy lee. Hmmm, mainstream media is infatuated by porn stars. Does this say anything about our society? *that's the end of my rant, work calls.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/23/2005 04:17:00 a.m. ] [ ]

   Wednesday, September 21  

I really didn't want to have the little guys disappear as I posted again. So for now I'll give them a temporary home up top. At least until I get sick of them. I'm already excited for the next harry potter movie, more so because of the site I swapped that from. It's ok to be a university grad and still like novels written for younguns.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/21/2005 05:01:00 p.m. ] [ ]

   Friday, September 16  


It's shameless I know. But they're so cute. They make me smile. I had to add color to this otherwise drab blog.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/16/2005 05:09:00 a.m. ] [ ]


The day is long.

I've come to realize that Septembers are never very good months for me. Well, the days will only get better if I make them, right? Here's hoping. So much for the real world, at least sort of. I'm actually putting my money where my mouth is and I'm going to take an extra course next term. Well, got my butt kicked into doing it, since I've become cheap and don't like to fork over money. But I got to walk around the new and shiny Duffy building. It's really shiny. And there aren't as many cracks everywhere. I miss the old Duffy. All the cracks, asbestos and falling down ceiling gave it real character.

While I thought it might be somehow difficult for me to get into the class, since, you know, I'm not a student and I've already graduated a full year ago and all, I was counting on still having some kind of left over part time student status that would let me slip in. Apparently my concerns were unfounded, as I'm still classified a full time student, and will I be going back to work at the bar? Whaaaa? Um, knothnxbuhbye. I guess I could have kept working there anyway, even though I tried to quit and no one believed me at the time. I've escaped, I'm not going to go back. I miss it sometimes, but then I remember the puke. And then there's the unknown spilled fluids.....ew ew ew. Nope, I'll leave that to the current students, they can have fun with that.

But I am looking forward to my class. It feels like it'll be an escape from this world I've wrongly slid into ass backwards and back into my realm that I like so much. January looks brighter than September for sure. Just got to make sure I can make it till then.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/16/2005 04:00:00 a.m. ] [ ]

   Friday, September 9  

Considering how boring my life is, I really don't seem to have that much time for anything. . .
So September is well underway, and it still feels the exact same as summer, except now people are going to classes instead of work. Well, some people are. Others are working. So maybe it is still the same. I'm fairly well stuck in work as it is, and I'm looking forward for the end of the month so I don't have to work 2 jobs any more. But I really will miss the extra money. I already owe my parents far too much, and I don't like that feeling anymore. I don't know how I would survive with only one job. I think I'd bother my friends a whole lot more. I would have clean laundry though. And a clean kitchen. Be warned, it will happen.

I still have a weird feeling when it's this early in the morning and I think of when I used to have to be at the pool to open up at this time last year. Always the thought of me being up to serve other people who are too silly to be where they should be (warm in bed) and preventing me from being there too. Some people are morning people, I know, personally I've come to realize I'm really not much of a morning person, and if you force me to be, I'm going to need a nap real soon, or all may regret it.

I've come to realize something that I hadn't really considered before. When we (and I mean the crew) drink, it's usually because we're partying, relaxing, or (historically)playing some sort of video game. Some of us drink more than others, and more often, but as a rule, we don't get drunk in the wee hours of the morning to start off our days. While we may still be drunk, it's not usually our breakfast that's increasing our blood alcohol levels. There are a lot of people out there that do. If you ever find yourself waking up early in the morning so that you can get a good buzz on before you go to work, please call someone, you need help, and a whole lotta support.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/09/2005 05:35:00 a.m. ] [ ]

   Tuesday, September 6  

Happy Tuesday!!
I hope everyone had a loverly labor day off. I made the decision that someday I'm going to be important enough to have holidays off. It hasn't happened before, but I'm totally working toward that goal. I usually don't have to work Christmas, but I think this year will be the first, especially If I'm still here. I'm getting a little tired of working double shifts on days like Canada Day, Victoria Day, and Labor day. Not just this summer, but since I've started working at Red Cross + any place else. I had such plans for this summer. I don't know where they went.

I did get to see a choice few people this weekend, a la potluck at Kristin's cottage. Even tho we were just a tad late, they still let us grab some dinner and chat. Unfortunately the plan for drive in was squashed when the little man with the big flashlight came out and told us all to go away, but we got some action with a 40 year old virgin instead.

So school starts back today. Every seems so excited and shiny and new and eager to go back, even the little kids next door that are too young, just cause their dad's a teacher. Jealous much? Absolutely. I went to school for 16 years straight to get my degree, then went back again last year just for the hell of it. So make that 17 years of September schooling. It just feels so wrong to not be going back this year. Like I totally forgot to do something like....register, get a loan, pick classes, stress out about when they are and who they're with, try to make work hours fit, and get new shoes. I know I should be all "yay, that stage of my life is over, time to be a real adult!" but really, I don't want to. Where's my relief from working two jobs all summer and not having a life? Yup, that brings me nicely back to wishing I was important enough to have holidays off. Gahhh.

In other news, the search for a couple of roommates has begun again. Well, it's continuing anyway. It's nice to have someone else looking as well, but if anyone knows of someone looking for a nice cozy roof overhead, I've got a kitty that would love to meow at you and attack your shoes. And she'll even show you her belly. I know, ~Gasp~ it's her one trick, impressive huh?

If you're bored, I'm your gal, it's pretty quiet at my house these days, I'm usually working on the p'uter if I'm not at work. Maybe some Liquor and Mario Cart? It's an institution people.

   [ posted by T~ @ 9/06/2005 08:22:00 a.m. ] [ ]