Some people should not be allowed to procreate.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big supporter for eugenics, but seriously people, if we don't do it for the sake of humanity, then for the sake of the children. How can we punish innocent children by allowing them to be inflicted with such stupidity from their parents? I can't say anything about a parent's right to raise their own child in the way they see fit, but I see their sweet little faces as they look up confused and upset over the flow of stupidity that just crawled from their parent's mouths and feel a great deal of pity for their maladjusted future. There are people out there that Darwin would rescind his theories over, since they and their ancestors should have been eliminated eons ago, even if it's only for sheer annoyance. I know, it takes all kinds of people to make society function, but often I look at these people and ask, really, what is your needed position in society, and how can it be downsized? What is it that you contribute, and is it really that important? I'd even take a mean person over a sincerely ignorant, lazy and stupid person. At least they've got a goal, and I can respect that. It's not that they need to be well educated or well spoken, it's acceptable if they aren't even literate, but the virtue of common sense is immeasurably valuable.
Bah, there's my rant for the morning. Glad to get it out, it's been struggling to get out most of the summer.