My cat's so nice, she gives visitors presents.
It was funny, she really did. Tried to send Mo home with a plug cover in her shoe. She was sneaky about it too, the humble little kitty she is. I had to ruin it all because I didn't want Moira to put her foot in on a half eaten crunchy bug or worse. Quite the hospitality that cat has.
Cats really are somewhat amusing things to have in your home. No two are the same, they talk to you when they want something, have the most interesting methods to wake you up from sticking a paw in your ear and wiggling it around till you have to move, to causing calamity in the farthest reaches of your home, forcing you to investigate the mysteriously caused crisis, and always keep you guessing on whether they love you to death, or are merely tolerating your presence.
The things we do for our pets.