New Years Eve!
Well, it's new years eve resolution time! I hate resolutions, really I do, almost no one can ever keep them, and then you get to the end of Christmas the next year (usually kind of a depressing time in my mind anyway) and can only feel bad that you haven't done better on last years resolutions. Well this year at least I can say I fulfilled my main resolution, I got away from the pool. I remember sitting writing blogs at 5:30 in the morning just miserable to be there, thinking: self, we've got to change this. Maybe resolve isn't the most fantastic place in the world, but when I consider that I could still be chained to that front desk, I'm much happier here. I've met some really awesome funny people, the pay is better, I've got full time work, my lead and super are fantastic, and most of the whole negative vibe has settled in the basement. Compare that to where I was, and the only thing it had going on was the awesomeness of Janelle and a select group of coworkers. I may not be exactly where I want to be, but at least I'm someplace better till I get there.
I don't want to make resolutions again this year. I have my goals, and I'm proud of them. I can't wait to accomplish them, but I know they are things will take years of hard work, patience, and probably a lot of late nights working jobs that aren't me. They aren't things that I'm going to set out to do on January 1st, I'm already working toward them, so I'll just keep it up.
~ Take my Marine Biology course, and kick it's ass all around our estuaties, inlets, harbors and shores. Get more out of it than any other course I've taken, since I can concentrate on everything we learn. Impress the glasses of the new prof, make him want to hire me to work on projects this summer so I can see the sun.
~Walk more. None of this "I need to lose 10 pounds and exercise till I give up" crap which never works for me, just get out more, enjoy the air, escape from in front of a computer.
~Puppy fund. I've already talked your ear off about it, so I won't bore you again. I'm in no rush, I want to do it right, and have the time to spend on a very worthy puppy at the end. Huge commitment, serious life adaptation, unconditional adoration. Will help with the walking more plan, since it's much more fun to walk with someone, especially when they don't care what random thing you point out along the way. Yeah, I hope you already know I talk to my animals or I might seem weird now.
~Keep applying for the jobs that I want, even though they never call me back. It's frustrating, cause I usually find out that it's because they hired interally, or just rehired someone who already had the position, not just the easy let down. If I wasn't good enough, that would be one thing. But to find out I'm considered, but don't get it for a reason like that, it's a rain cloud on my hopes. But then, if I don't put myself out there, there's no way anyone will take the chance and hire me. So I'll keep trying. People have to retire or go on maternity leave sometime right? When they drop the ball, I'll just be there to grab it and fight off anyone who wants to steal it from me.