-Lost in the woods-
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-They all amuse me so-
My Pics
01/01/2002 - 02/01/2002
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Wednesday, March 8
Stolen from the blog of Gill~
TEN FIRSTS First Best Friend: TerryLynn First Screen Name: tcosh (I can't remember before that) First Pet: Samoyd Husky named Shemo First Piercing: Pierced ears when I was 2, What were they thinking? First Crush: Billy Joel from church camp First CD: U2 First Car: Nissan Sentra "the blue meanie" First Stuffed animal: A Bunny First Memory: Standing in my crib while my mom was closing the door and turning off the light First Job: Swimming instructor/Lifeguard NINE LASTS Last Beverage: Cranberry cocktail Last Car ride: 2 hours ago from the country Last Movie Seen: UltraViolet Last Phone Call: Nathan Last Cd Played: Mike Ross, the Dennis Lee Project Last Bubble Bath: A million years ago Last time you Cried: 2 and a half weeks ago Last bad thing you did: Flipped some jackass the bird and he saw it EIGHT HAVE YOU EVERS Have you ever dated one of your best friends?: Yes, good friend at least Have you ever been arrested?: no Have you ever skinny dipped: yes Have you ever been on stage? yes Have you ever been in a fist fight: Yes, but they were always bigger than me. Have you ever been in love: yes Have you ever danced naked: If in my bedroom counts, yes Have you ever sang in front of an audience: yes, I was a good little choir girl SEVEN THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW 1. fuzzy warm slippers 2. pj pants 3. quartermaster marine hoodie 4. Nan's ring 5. Bra 6. 2 socks 7. undies SIX THINGS YOU'VE DONE TODAY 1. went to work 2. Drove out home to take care of Poe 3. Bought rabbit food 4. Did dishes 5. Had lunch with coworkers 6. cleaned out under the kitchen sink FIVE FAVORITE THINGS IN NO ORDER 1. Trees 2. Ocean 3. family/friends 4. my animals 5. good movies FOUR PEOPLE YOU FEEL YOU CAN TELL ALMOST ANYTHING TO 1. Janelle 2. Kristin 3. Nancy 4. Sarah THREE CHOICES 1. Black or White: black 2. Hot or Cold: Cold 3. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate mint TWO THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE 1. Build my own house (or have a contractor do it :) 2. learn to surf in Australia ONE and a half THINGs YOU REGRET 1. Working too much 1/2. I try not to regret anything, cause you get something out of every experience, otherwise, what a waste.
posted by
T~ @
3/08/2006 10:41:00 p.m. ]