Allo Moncton!
The new job is going pretty well, although going out and doing research pretty much every night, and going in every afternoon to plan for that is getting a little tiring. I really enjoy my coworker, and my supervisor, while slightly... eccentric genius... is very handy and gives us a lot of free reign. I may not get paid for overtime or anything, but it'll even out in the end. Once the research part can't be done anymore because of weather and phytoplankton blooms, I'll get to sit in a nice cozy a/c office downtown and push papers around and enter data. And maybe throw the waders on again once in a while. Maybe.
Yesterday I took the day off and went to moncton. I finally got paid, and got paid for both jobs at the same time, as well as half a years built up vacation pay. It was nice. I can't remember when I saw that much money in one bank account that had my name on it. I haven't gotten to go on vacation in well over a year, but that's ok, I got to go shopping in Moncton. There's so many things I want to do with this money before it burns a whole in my pocket, but when I go to get anything, I have this horrible guilt that comes from never having the spare money to get anything beyond the essentials (and the occasional 12 pack). I couldn't believe when I spent close to 200$ at costco. Then I realized, I got a crapload of stuff, and I only spent around 200$ !!?!! I think I'll go buy more clothes, maybe even a new garbage can for the bathroom. Might even take my puppy for a new haircut. Who knows, I might really cut loose, I might buy some gas.